My Perfect Hotel kostenlos am PC spielen, so geht es!

Bis jetzt gibt es das erfolgreiche My Perfect Hotel von SayGames Ltd nur für mobile Geräte und noch nicht für herkömmliche Computer. Doch mit diesem Programm kannst du My Perfect Hotel bereits Heute an deinem PC spielen. Wir erklären dir in einer einfachen Anleitung wie du die App auf jedem Rechner installieren kannst.

My Perfect Hotel mit Bluestacks am PC spielen

My Perfect Hotel

My Perfect Hotel

Mithilfe eines kostenlosen Android-Emulators können sie die App auch am PC weiterspielen. Der BlueStacks AppPlayer lässt Nutzer kostenlos alle Apps nutzen die eigentlich für mobile Endgeräte gedacht sind. Seit 2011 haben weit über 90 Millionen Nutzer die Software genutzt. BlueStacks funktioniert auf Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 und Mac OS.

  1. Lade zunächst BlueStacks für deinen PC kostenlos herunter und installiere das Programm.
  2. Nach der Installation kannst du dich mit deinem Google-Konto anmelden und erhältst Zugriff auf den Google Play Store
  3. Der Google Play Store muss nach 'My Perfect Hotel' durchsucht werden. Die Android App kann nun einfach heruntergeladen und auf deinem Computer installiert werden.
  4. Starte die App nach der Installation und spiele wie auf deinem Smartphone.
Bluestacks herunterladen und sofort loslegen Jetzt spielen!
Falls du Probleme mit dem BlueStacks App-Player hast kannst du Alternativen wie GenyMotion oder AndY nutzen. AndY ist ebenso kostenlos und bietet viele umfangreiche Funktionen, während GenyMotion einen jährlichen Betrag von euch verlangt.
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Über My Perfect Hotel


Ever dreamed of running your own hotel? Start from the ground up in this fun and fast-paced time-management game where the aim is to build an accommodation empire and demonstrate your dedication to hospitality. Show your skills as a hotel manager, invest wisely in staff and property improvements, and work your socks off to become a hospitality tycoon in this addictive and entertaining casual simulator.


???? Climb to the top: Start the game as a simple bellhop single-handedly cleaning rooms, greeting guests at reception, collecting payments and tips, and keeping the bathroom stocked with toilet paper. As your bank balance expands, upgrade rooms and facilities, and employ new staff to help keep up with the growing demand at your hotel. Your guests may be sleeping comfortably, but there’s no time to rest for a determined hotel tycoon.

???? Build an empire: There are several hotels to explore and expand, each with dozens of different unique upgrades to make before you reach five-star perfection. Open hotels on the coast, in beautiful mountains, and deep in the tranquillity of a forest setting. Demonstrate your competence as a manager in each location, then get promoted to get a new and bigger property, and continue your path to becoming a true hotel tycoon. Each hotel has its own style and atmosphere too.

???? Keep going: If you want success in this high-stakes industry, you can’t just stroll around your property at a leisurely pace. Upgrade your and your employees’ movement speed to work faster and provide your guests with all the services they need ASAP — it’ll boost your revenue too.

???? Amenities are the answer: Maximise profits and get more funds to invest in this fun simulator by ensuring your hotels have all available amenities. Bathrooms are the first step, but work hard and you’ll soon have the opportunity to add vending machines, restaurants, parking lots, and swimming pools to your properties. Guests will pay extra for each facility, boosting your revenue. Though remember each facility also needs staffing, so get hiring or you’ll soon run off your feet with angry guests left standing in line for each amenity.

???? Human resources: : It also takes work to run each facility: the bathrooms must be stocked with toilet paper, guests must be granted access to the parking lot, in the restaurant customers need to be served and the tables need clearing after they’ve eaten, and at the pool you need to ensure a constant supply of clean towels and tidy sun loungers. You won’t have time to do it all yourself, so hire new staff, or you’ll soon have angry guests left standing in line.

???? Grand designs: Upgrade accommodation to improve guests’ experience of your property and choose from a range of different room designs in each location. In this engaging simulator, you’re not just a manager, you’re an interior designer too!


Looking for a time-management game that’s original and simple to play and provides endless hours of entertainment? Dive straight into the fast-paced world of hospitality provision and develop your skills as a manager, investor, and designer.

Download Hotel Master now and get to work building an accommodation empire.

Über den Autor
