Bis jetzt gibt es das erfolgreiche Army Defence von SayGames Ltd nur für mobile Geräte und noch nicht für herkömmliche Computer. Doch mit diesem Programm kannst du Army Defence bereits Heute an deinem PC spielen. Wir erklären dir in einer einfachen Anleitung wie du die App auf jedem Rechner installieren kannst.
Army Defence mit Bluestacks am PC spielen
Mithilfe eines kostenlosen Android-Emulators können sie die App auch am PC weiterspielen. Der BlueStacks AppPlayer lässt Nutzer kostenlos alle Apps nutzen die eigentlich für mobile Endgeräte gedacht sind. Seit 2011 haben weit über 90 Millionen Nutzer die Software genutzt. BlueStacks funktioniert auf Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 und Mac OS.
- Lade zunächst BlueStacks für deinen PC kostenlos herunter und installiere das Programm.
- Nach der Installation kannst du dich mit deinem Google-Konto anmelden und erhältst Zugriff auf den Google Play Store
- Der Google Play Store muss nach 'Army Defence' durchsucht werden. Die Android App kann nun einfach heruntergeladen und auf deinem Computer installiert werden.
- Starte die App nach der Installation und spiele wie auf deinem Smartphone.
Über Army Defence
???? ARE YOU READY TO SERVE AND PROTECT?It’s a desperate mission that only the brave and resourceful will survive: Your base is under attack and the enemy are pressing in on all sides. Only you and your tiny squad of special forces operatives can save the day, so parachute in and prepare to defend using everything you can get your hands on in this all-action tower defense game.
???? Battle it out against wave after wave of invaders, secure the area, grab the loot and head for the next war-torn location in this fast-paced game that combines smart strategy with wild action.
Army Defence combines the best elements of traditional tower defense games with intuitive gameplay and a host of original features:
????️ Time spent in reconnaissance: Before the battle begins, you have a little time to build up your defenses, with a variety of artillery posts, sniper towers, mines and other objects to be placed and upgraded. Scout the terrain, spend your resources wisely, and keep an eye on the clock.
????️ Pick your hill: In this gripping action game, it’s your tiny squad against a whole army of invaders, so deploy your troops carefully to minimize their exposure to incoming fire. And when the action begins, be sure to keep moving!
????️ Ride the waves: Wait for the enemy to arrive or start the action yourself. Each battle is divided into waves, and each wave is going to be even tougher than the last. Fight off a whole army of paratroopers, snipers, and heavy infantry, with air support and a huge range of armored vehicles. Who knows what the next wave will bring?
????️ Spoils of war: Between the waves, make sure to take a thorough look around the area – you’ll be surprised at all the goodies you can find, but unsurprisingly, you may have to fight for them.
????️ Intensive training: When the battle’s over, head to the store and spend your hard-earned on loot on upgrades, equipment, and new recruits, ensuring your little army is armed to the teeth and more than ready for whatever the next mission throws at you.
????️ Fight them on the beaches: Move from forest to desert to snow-capped mountains – in this epic tower defense game your next mission could take you anywhere. Just don’t get too distracted by the beautiful scenery when the bullets start flying.
Looking for a tower defense game that’s exciting, easy to play, and offers a huge range of varied challenges? Can you keep your head when all around are losing theirs in a hail of bullets and the fog of war?
Only bold and decisive action can save the day, so download Army Defence now and get ready for some serious soldiering.
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